The Daily Sting, Friday: Andy Cohen Dad News, Canada Commemorates LGBTs, New Beyoncé (Kinda)
Let’s close the week by taking a look at some of today’s biggest gay headlines, starting with the Andy Cohen dad news he dropped on the world live on TV last night. And new Beyoncé? Well, kinda. Social media was thrown into a tizzy as demos and unreleased Beyoncé tracks were released on Spotify under the moniker “Queen Carter” … before being removed shortly thereafter.
In other news, Canada’s new $1 coin, the loonie, will commemorate the legalization of homosexuality in 1969. For the very first time, Colombia will be prosecuting the murder of a trans woman under a law designed to target perpetrators who commit violence against women. And a new app by the Indonesian government allows citizens to report people and organizations under the country’s strict blasphemy laws, which has left the LGBTQ population worried.