Help Us Queerify Feb. 14 by Sharing These Queer Valentines From Some of Our Favorite Artists
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Could Valentine’s Day be the straightest “holiday” in existence? Well, to that we say, no more! Let’s ‘queer things up a bit’ by pointing you in the direction of queer valentines that tackle the patriarchal constraints of heteronormativity and unleash your inner rainbow onto the world. Sound fun? Send one of the queer valentines below to someone you love. Or like. Or lust after.
But first, a look back on where Valentine’s Day came from.
February 14 wasn’t declared “St. Valentine’s Day” until the year 496 (thanks, Pope Gelasius I), but the holiday — like nearly everything we love — actually originates in Ancient Rome.
Lupercalia was a celebration of fertility, commemorated every year on Feb. 15, but as with most pagan traditions, it has since been bastardized pretty hard.
For proof, just take a look at what we have today: Valentine’s Day has become a sappy, heteronormative marketing scheme led by chocolate manufacturers and greeting card companies. While the sentiment may be worthwhile — a day to celebrate and honor your ability to hold down a loving relationship (no easy feat, sure) — we’re flat-out sick of seeing red and pink hearts at every turn.
Most frustrating, though, Valentine’s Day is just so damn … straight.
Sure, some companies have started to think outside the ‘straight folk’ box. But where are the treacly queer valentines for polyamorous relationships? We wanna see queer valentines featuring twinks and leather daddies and big ol’ hairy bears and butch dykes!
So we’re making the conscious decision to queerify Valentine’s Day. This year on Feb. 14, own your queerness loudly and proudly. Instead of a box of sugary candies or chocolate-covered strawberries, gift your man, woman or enby lover a Clone-A-Willy Kit, or something raunchy and fun.
Even easier, let your partner (or partners, if you’re super lucky) know that you’re thinking of them by sending them one of these amazing queer valentines, many of which we’ve commissioned by some of our favorite LGBTQ artists. Print ’em out, email ’em, send ’em via social media. Let the world know that Valentine’s Day isn’t just for straight people, dammit!
Here are 21 queer valentines just waiting to be sent to your loved ones:
By Dashiell Silva (Insta, website)
Three Valentines by Tiffany Baxter (Insta, Etsy)
By Javier Larios (FB)
By Ian O’Phelan (Insta)
By Hannah Francis (Insta,Etsy)
By Pierna Cruzada (website, FB, Insta)
By Pochismind (FB, Insta)
By Alfredo Roagui (website, Insta, Twitter)
Queer valentines by Curtis Bathurst of West Seattle Mini Bears (website)
By Ebon et Noie (Insta, Etsy)
Three valentines by Felix D’Eon (website, Etsy)
Send out some of these queer valentines to your friends and lovers this Valentine’s Day! Here’s one from us: